Staycation: Turn bad habits into good ones this holiday season

Year end is a great time to pause, relax and for many of us – to slip into bad habits. While it may come as a welcome relief to take a break from our normal routines, this can sometimes also mean eating too much and exercising too little, especially if you go away for the holidays. We have put together some fun, easy tips for how to turn some of your bad habits into good habits when you’re away from normal life stress.

1. Take water when you go on an adventure

Whether you’re heading down to the beach, up into the mountains, or just exploring your neighbourhood, fill a bottle with water and sip it. It can be difficult to drink enough water during the day, especially when you’re busy, so get used to sipping more when you’re on holiday and you’ll take this habit into the New Year.

2. Start every morning with a good breakfast

During the normal work and school year, getting everyone to sit down at the table to have a meal, especially in the mornings, can be very challenging. But during the holidays, you have plenty of time to make a delicious, healthy breakfast and take your time to enjoy it yourself or as a family. We have some great healthy breakfast ideas in the HealthyFood Studio Good food on-the-go course.

3. Make time for exercise however it fits into your day

Take your lead from 90 year old Vitality member Mord Perlov who hasn’t missed a day of gym in 57 years – or exercise in a way that suits you. Remember that all you need is 30 minutes of exercise a day to start seeing the results and a walk, a jog, a leisurely cycle, or even playing catch in the garden counts as exercise. Keep it up every day and soon it’ll be a habit you can’t give up when you go back to work. For more fitness news and tips, we have a great new page for fitness tips from our health experts.

4. Try something new

Especially if you’re home this holiday season, it’s a good idea to try something new, and experiment with some fun new ways to get healthier. Running and walking are great, inexpensive forms of exercise you can enjoy just about anywhere. Try out the Run/Walk for Life November and December 2016 promotion where you pay R199 for an annual subscription and get free access to their eatForLife programme run by registered dietitians.

The holidays are a great time to turn those bad habits like not drinking enough water, not having breakfast, not exercising, and not trying new things into good habits. These are four holiday habits that can easily become everyday habits with some planning and mindfulness. Let us know what habit you’re trying to break this upcoming holiday season by finding us on Facebook.


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